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Canceling Premium
Updated over 2 weeks ago

We understand that subscriptions may not always be the right fit for everyone. Whether you want to take a break or reevaluate your needs, canceling your 1Blocker subscription is pretty straightforward.

How to cancel

The easiest way to cancel your 1Blocker Premium is to use the Cancel Subscription button at the bottom of the Premium screen, which you can access from the app's Settings menu.

Also, you can cancel it right from the list of your Apple subscriptions by following the steps from this guide: Apple Support Link

Important notes

  • If you cancel, you will still have access to all premium features until the end of the current billing period.

  • You can re-subscribe at any time through the app's Premium screen or App Store.

We’d also greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to let us know what we can do better. We value your time with us and hope to have the opportunity to serve you again in the future.

Feel free to share your thoughts with our team at [email protected] anytime.

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