Delivering a high-quality content-blocking experience is a crucial part of 1Blocker. That’s why we prioritize providing a comprehensive, well-balanced, and effective set of filters, along with timely filter updates. We ensure that our users receive them regularly through several independent mechanisms.
How to keep filters updated
1Blocker Premium users receive filter updates in the background approximately twice a week.
The latest filter version is also included with every 1Blocker app update available on the App Store. While we don’t follow a fixed release schedule, we aim to roll out at least minor app updates once a month.
You can view the current version of the filters installed in your 1Blocker at the bottom of the app’s main screen.
How to enable background updates
The following tools and settings manage the downloading and updating of the block lists:
The app keeps track of all filter changes both while in use and each time it is launched.
On Mac, the 1Blocker Actions Safari extension handles background filter updates right inside the browser. You can enable it in Safari > Settings > Extensions.
On iOS, the app updates filters automatically, even while running in the background, as long as Background App Refresh is enabled in iOS Settings > Apps > 1Blocker.